This guy i know...

Hello there! Today I wanted to do a post about this amazing guy I know. He is kind, funny, handsome, and caring. He also happens to be my husband ❤ I feel the need to take the time to write about him today because I don't think he gets enough credit for how amazing he really is.

Now I am by no means a high maintenance kind of chick. With that being said, I am a little on the crazy side when it come to certain things. I have sensitive feelers and my emotions run extremely high sometimes, to the point where I often question my sanity! It's bad enough being in my own head dealing with all this b.s., but then the husband has to deal with it too and that just isn't fair. He is not the type of guy who shows his emotions very well (other than anger and frustration) and he is not the best at sympathizing with someone or comforting them. He does his best though and I am learning to just be happy with the little bit that I get, because he does do so many things for me that make me happy.

I have been married to this man for 4 years now, together for 6 and if there is one thing I have learned it is to be patient. We get frustrated with each other and sometimes get sick of each other...that's totally normal! Another thing I have learned is to appreciate the little things. There are so many special moments I have with him and I know he doesn't think they are a big deal, but they are to me. He just took me out to the pumpkin patch earlier this week and let me pick out this giant 34 pound pumpkin. He waited patiently while I snapped some pictures and loved on the sweet miniature horses. He waits for me because he loves me and he wants me to be happy. This has to go both ways though! I will often go "help" him work on the vehicles and even though I really am not that big of a help, I am still out there taking interest in something he enjoys. You don't have to love everything the other person loves, but you should at least try to take some interest in it or at the very least support them.

My husband is a complicated man, but he is kind and he is honest and he is real. He is the type of guy that will always have your back in any situation. I have seen him help so many people, some he didn't even know. When we are little girls we always read the stories about the princess meeting her prince charming who is beautiful and perfect and sweeps her off her feet. This might be realistic for some people, but for the rest of us there is a real life version of prince charming. Mine I met in my brothers kitchen late one hot August night. I was sweaty and nasty after dancing my ass off to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts at the fair. I saw him and stopped dead in my tracks. He was buff and oh was he gorgeous, I think I melted into a puddle right there on the floor in front of him. We ended up spending the night slightly drunk and arguing about Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nails. We fell asleep on the floor together and the bastard snuck out the door while I was sleeping, not even a goodbye. Being the crazy person I am though, I tracked him down and the rest is history.

The point to this long random story is to find your real prince charming. He is the man who will love you unconditionally no matter what your flaws are or what life throws your way. He will be kind and sweet, but will also drive you mad. If you find the guy that you want to punch in the face but kiss fiercely at the same time...keep him! He will make you happy!

Until next time....


  1. Hey I know that guy! You described him well. I still have an image of him as a boy and his Grandpa Hal was there, Hal was walking around the dining area spilling something and not noticing. Justin casually cleaned up after him without a word or a look. Just did it. I was struck by how kind and considerate and thoughtful that was, without making a big deal about it or calling attention to himself for his good deed. To me that showed how he can sympathize and comfort without being obvious about it, as I am sure you have discovered. Some people talk, other people just do and that is how they show their love. I'm glad you two found each other.


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