The struggles are real...

I find myself sitting here this morning with my cup of coffee and my computer. I am trying to calm my mind down for 2 seconds as it has been going nonstop for a while now and I am driving myself insane. I have a window to the right of me that looks out into my back yard, and as I look out now I see the most stunning Central Oregon sunrise. Seeing those breathtaking moments makes me remember that the universe has my back and that it will all be ok.

I have been dealt some pretty shitty cards in life. At 26 years old I have experienced things most people will never have to in their entire life. I want to share some of this in hopes that there is someone out there going through the same thing and will know that they are not alone. My mother passed away from liver failure due to Hepatitis C. Unfortunately for me I contracted that virus at birth. I had no idea I had it until 2010 when I started getting strange spots on my legs that I now call flare ups. In some cases Hep C causes something called Cryoglobulinemia Vasculitis. In my case my blood has these little "goblins" as I call them, that basically turn my blood to a jelly like consistency and causes the blood to pool in my veins. It is extremely painful and ugly. I have scars that will never ever go away.

About three years ago I saw a doctor who put me on a trio of medications for my Hep C. Sovaldi, Ribavirin, and Interferon. I was on them for not even two weeks and ended up in the hospital with congestive heart failure. It has taken me a long time to get back to where I was before all of that shit, but now my heart is in a healthy place and I am ready to jump back on that drug horse to try and cure my other problems. I was recently prescribed a new medication called Mavyret. Supposedly it has a huge success rate with curing patients of their Hep C and that is why doc wants me on it. Good things come with a big price tag though. I found out that with my insurance and a co-pay assistance card, this medication will cost me over $1000  a month and I take it for three months. What the actual fuck! Normal people cannot afford this!

I feel as though I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am so close to being cured of this crud and finally feeling like a normal person again, feeling like the old me again. I used to be so fun and had so much energy, now I am tired and bitchy all the time. I had to open up a credit card just to be able to pay for this. Shit better work is all I know! I am trying to stay positive and remember that the universe wouldn't give me more than I could handle. I thought about doing a go fund me type of thing, but do not like to take other people's money. So here I go on my own. One way or another I will figure this out, the end of the road is so close I cant stop now.

I will do updates as they happen and document my progress towards what I hope will be my being cured. Keep your fingers crossed, pray, chant, do whatever you can to help bring positive energy my way. I will get through this

I was given this life because I am strong enough to live it!

Until next time...


  1. positive energy blowing towards you! You are strong at your core, I know you will be able to prevail.

    1. Aww Jan you are such a wonderful person! I am so thankful to have you in my life! For the first time in a long time I feel like I am strong enough to get through this. The universe has provided this opportunity for me and I know it wouldn't have happened if I couldn't handle it!


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