Fall again...

It's that time of year again. Time for pumpkins, leaves, cozy sweaters, and hot cocoa. Oh and it's time for me to create new Halloween looks! I have ALWAYS had a deep crazy love for Halloween and all things scary/horror. I got that love from my father, so shout out to that cool cat ;) He used to dress up when he took us trick or treating and I always remember him decking out the house to make it look spooky. As I got older I started getting more into doing Halloween makeup and that has stuck with me. I watch TONS of youtube tutorials and am always amazed at how well these people transform themselves into someone or something else.

In the past I have done simple things that just involved eyeshadows and such, but the last couple of years I have started learning how to use things like liquid latex.  I am learning though that there are so many possibilities with just good makeup and brushes. This year I have decided to be Billy, the doll from Jigsaw. It's a super simple costume and really easy makeup. I will definitely be including picture from when I dress up for the annual Halloween party we go to! In the mean time though, here are some looks from previous years. Let me know what you think. Things I should try or avoid. I would love to hear your opinion!

One of the first look I ever did!

sometimes the hubby lets me do his makeup too :)
As you can see I typically stick with some sort of gore look, but about every other year or third year I will do something different just to switch it up a little. Probably not going to be any gore this year...but then who knows!

Until next time...


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! You have done some great icky looks in the past, always fun to see where your imagination takes you.

    1. Thank you Jan! I always have such a fun time coming up with different looks. The only problem is deciding which to do! This year was a toss up between a demon and the little guy from the movie Saw...which do you think it will be? :)


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